Car Rental for Business | Why It Makes Sense for Your Company

Managing a fleet of company vehicles can be a very demanding job. It requires a dedicated team to ensure that the fleet is fully functional. Any compromise to the functionality and upkeep of the company fleet can be detrimental to your business, which can result in downtime and increased operating costs. This is especially true when timeliness and efficiency are key to the success of many industries. In this case, car rental for business can make sense for your company by lifting the burden off your organization and leaving it to a professional car rental company.

Car Rental for Business with Hawk Rent A Car

Hawk Rent A Car offers a fully maintained operating lease. This means we manage your fleet of company vehicles for you, so that you have more time to focus on what really matters to grow your business. Running a company fleet can be quite cumbersome for many companies as it typically involves a fleet manager, supervisor, technical support team and many other candidates to ensure full operations. When you choose to rent or lease with Hawk, you are essentially just dealing with one company with all the resources necessary to keep your fleet running. You are also dealing with a company that has 20 years of experience in car management, experienced in the maintenance and servicing of cars. Hawk also ensures that the fleet complies with the legislations of car and vehicle ownership in Malaysia.

Here are 5 reasons to sign up for an operating lease with Hawk:

  1. Hawk has been in the industry for over 20 years. We are capable of getting better discounts from our suppliers, which translates to more savings for you
  2. The monthly installment of the vehicle can be written off as an expense in your accounting books, thus you pay less in taxes
  3. Has the car reached the end of it’s life cycle? We’ll help you deal with disposal, potentially even maximizing some returns for you
  4. The lease terms are negotiable. From 6 months to a year and even more, talk to us and we will craft a plan for you. The lease terms are dependent on the length of lease and price of vehicle
  5. Hawk also offers value-added services. Need branding on your car? Submit your request to us and we’ll get it done for you.

Regardless of whether you are a sole proprietor, small-to-medium enterprise (SME) or even a large multinational company (MNC), having a car rental partner for your business can greatly facilitate your operations and drive your company to the next level.  The key here is having a good car rental partner that offers your business a tailor-made solution that suits your corporate needs.

Consider car rental for business with Hawk Rent A Car now and start reaping the benefits!

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